Steve64b's Far Cry page
Bringing virtual worldbuilding in the Far Cry 4 & 5 Map Editor to a new level.
My projects and insights are offered to you for free. But if you want, you can get me a coffee. :) 
DISCLAIMER: This site and my projects are not supported nor endorsed by Ubisoft. Projects are provided 'AS-IS' and are subject to change.
My Far Cry 5 Projects
- (PC-only) 🛠 Mod for the Far Cry 5 Arcade Editor. This Editormod eases some editor limitations and adds more assets and features, while keeping published maps compatible with the vanilla game.
- 🏝 Far Cry 5 Community Maps index: Listing of maps published in the Far Cry Arcade, with less restricted filter options than the Arcade website.
- ⇔ Far Cry 5 Map Swapper: Loads an alternate map instead of maps published by creator 'MapSwapper'. Useful for porting console maps to PC and vice versa. Xbox too this time! ;)
-  Far Cry 5 Arcade Object List: Searchable list of assets you can use in the Far Cry 5 Editor.
- ▶ Far Cry 5 Arcade Video List: Auto-updating list of Far Cry video content found on YouTube.
- 🕮 Far Cry 5 Texts: Search through Far Cry 5's oasis text strings. Useful for finding the number to input for setting text on the "Change HUD Text" Script action.
- (Xbox/Playstation/PC): Modded template maps that unlock more assets, without requiring an editormod.
With my editormod, I crafted a couple of maps containing scripts and otherwise inaccessible objects. These were ported to console, allowing map makers on console to also use some basic mods.
Use the following maps as a base for your map:- Template Map "": Team DeathMatch Map Template with scripting and otherwise unavailable assets. Contains ~1000 objects.
Template Map "": Journey map with the same assets as above, but also offering additional premade scripting actions. Contains ~1305 objects.
Template Map "": Bounty Hunt map with ~3914 objects.
Template Map "": Bounty Hunt map with ~3139 objects and custom scripts including new music tracks. Several retexturable objects.
Template Map "": Assault map with ~1586 objects, mainly retexturable objects.
On Playstation 4, user Restylex/VGuyMarvel released some modified modded maps:
Template Map "": Journey map with ~3624 objects, including retexturable objects.
Template Map "": Journey map with ~3740 objects, including retexturable objects.
My Far Cry 4 Projects
- (PC-only) 🛠 Mod for the Far Cry 4 Editor. This editormod adds new objects to the editor, while keeping published maps compatible with the vanilla game.
- 🏝 Far Cry 4 Community Maps: Listing of Community maps published with Far Cry 4.
- ⇔ Far Cry 4 Map Swapper: Loads an alternate map instead of the map called 'MapSwapper'. Useful for playing console maps on PC. Works in coop too! ;)
Far Cry Editor and Community resources
General Far Cry Troubleshooting
Having issues with a Far Cry game? This page lists some common gripes with the Far Cry games.
- Common Far Cry file related problems:
- Make sure the game/editor can write any game settings, shader cache and user maps to your profile's Documents folder (i.e. %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry X).
- Make sure the game can write the savegames to Ubisoft Connect's savegame folder (i.e. "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames").
- In Windows Threat Protection, exclude Far Cry from your Protected Folders so it can write to that folder.
- Try renaming your Windows User's %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry X\GamerProfile.xml file to reset the game's graphics settings. This may also fix the "Unknown File Readfile()"-error on startup.
- Try renaming your Windows User's %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry X folder entirely, to force the game to reset its game settings. Note that this will also misplace any Custom Maps (cache and your own user maps) you have stored locally.
- Try clearing your Ubisoft Connect (Uplay) cache: When Uplay is closed, rename your %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\cache folder to something else. Uplay should recreate the folder and build a new proper cache automatically.
- Try creating a new Windows user profile & playing the game from there. If that works, the issue you're having is linked to your Windows User's Registry or %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry X settings.
- Common Far Cry Graphic related problems:
- If you have 2 graphic adapters, you may need to notepad edit the %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry X\GamerProfile.xml file, and change the GPU="0" to GPU="1" (or vice versa). For info on how to switch your GPU used by the game, see here.
- Does the screen looked "zoomed in" in-game? This may be because of settings in your GPU's Control Panel. See Virtual Super Resolution (VSR from AMD) or Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR, Nvidia) and restore it to 100% screen resolution.
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Service not available? Try updating the game on Ubisoft Connect. But if you have the game on Steam, you may need the updated files from the Ubisoft Connect release.
- Is the game stuttering? You can try the following:
- Make sure both the game, and Ubisoft Connect are installed on a fast (SSD) drive. If stutter happens when saving (i.e. picking up objects), consider excluding the Ubisoft Connect savegame folder (typically %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames) from your virus scanner to speed up savegame writes.
- Turn off STEAM overlay (In Steam, find the game in your Library -> Properties, then under the General tab, uncheck box 'Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game')
- Turn off Ubisoft Connect overlay, but you may lose the option to invite friends to your game that way
- Lock down the graphics framerate; turn on V-Sync in your graphic driver's control panel instead of the game. Plus, if you have a NVIDIA GPU, open the Nvidia Control Panel -> Manage 3D Settings -> Program Settings -> Far Cry # -> and turn Low Latency Mode to Ultra.
- Disable Fullscreen Optimization for the game's executable.
- Disable Virtual Super Resolution (VSR from AMD) / Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR, Nvidia) and restore it to 100% of your native screen resolution.
- For Far Cry 4: in Video Options Graphic Settings, set V-Sync=On. Then in Quality Settings, be sure to avoid using Nvidia Gameworks; Set Shadow=ULTRA, Fur=On, Godrays=Volumetric Fog, Antialiasing=SMAA, and Ambient Occlusion=SSBC.
- If your PC's CPU has more than 4 CPU cores/Logical Units:
- If you want to play Far Cry 2, 3 or Blood Dragon and your CPU has 32+ cores (i.e. Intel 13th Gen i9 or similar), you may need to change your number of processors and set it to 31 max.
- If you want to play Far Cry 4 or Primal, try disabling some of your processors. Settings to accomplish this vary per processor, but may include: disabling Hyperthreading (Intel), putting the processor in Legacy Game Mode (AMD / Ryzen: Ryzen Master)
Also, the free edition of Process Lasso will allow you to set CPU core affinity per process, which may help get older Far Cry games to run:
- In Process Lasso, go to Options -> CPU -> CPU Affinities
- Set Process match=Far*Cry*, and set Affinity bitmask to either F, or 55
- Click Add Rule, and then OK
This should ensure that the game will have its CPU affinity changed while you have Process Lasso running.
- As a final resort, you could install a mod package (i.e. FC5 Resistance Mod's autosave stutter fix) that tries to resolve the stuttering. This is most effective in case of Far Cry 5, if you get stutters when picking up loot.
- For general troubleshooting, try:
- Verifying files in Steam/Uplay. Several times may be needed, make sure it completes successfully.
- Running the redist setup files (DirectX, VCRedist, DotNet) from the game folder's Support\Software subfolder.
- Running Uplay with Administrative Privileges & running the game with Administrative Privileges.
- Changing the game language (causing Uplay/Steam to download additional files), then Verifying files again.
- Make sure your Windows and Drivers are up-to-date. Conversely, some drivers may supposedly conflict with the game, like Audio drivers and newer versions of graphics drivers.
- Is there any useful information in the Uplay log files? You can find them in e.g. the C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\logs folder.
- Is there any useful information in the Windows Event Log? See HowToGeek for instructions.
- Bookworm-B90A7AF6? The game is unable to authenticate your login with the Far Cry services. Try logging out of Ubisoft Connect and back in again, then restarting the map editor. If that fails, there may be a problem setting up a secure connection to the Far Cry services. If they aren't down, maybe you have proxy/security software installed that messes with your network connection?
Far Cry Map Editor performance/troubleshooting pointers:
- Map Editor feels like you're moving in slow motion? Try enabling vSync in the Options/Graphics/VSync.
- If you have 2 graphic adapters, you may need to notepad edit the %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry X\EditorGamerProfile.xml file, and change the GPU="0" to GPU="1" (or vice versa). For info on how to switch your GPU used by the game, see here.
- If you have Steam, try disabling the Steam Overlay (from here).
Far Cry Arcade Map Editor on PC:
- Don't want to feel limited by budget? Do you want more objects and features? Download and install my Editormod for Far Cry 5, or for Far Cry 4. It fixes some issues, adds many new features and objects and in general is more forgiving than the vanilla editor.
- Problem saving map for upload? The resulting mapfile may be too big.
A save error happens when the compressed map is too large to upload. To counter this, make sure that your terrain (vegetation/texture/holemap/heightmap) is greatly compressable. This means using as few unique values/patterns as possible, and having repeated data.
So, a holemap without any holes compresses better than one with holes. And if you have 20 holes punched into the terrain, the holemap compresses better when they are one big hole (all adjacent) rather than spread out as single individual small holes across the map. The same goes for having large areas without texture/vegetation, and for flattened terrain. See Picture.
More info on options to combat this are on my list.farcry.info site.
- Far Cry® 5 Arcade Editor tool not showing objects? See here, go into the editor's View menu, and select Reset Layout, or apply this .REG file before starting the editor.
Far Cry 5 Arcade Editor Scripting troubleshooting pointers:
- Make sure you have Show Scripting and Show object icons enabled in the Editor settings.
- Sometimes (at least on PC), the editor might lose track of objects, causing a discrepancy between the map and the interface. Restarting the editor usually fixes that.
- Be careful not to select multiple triggers at once with the Object Preferences window open. This may replace the tie between the trigger and the script in a way that they'll all point to a single different script.
- If you're having issues spawning in AI, only ~12 AI can be 'active' at one time on the map. Spawners will only spawn additional AI when there are ~11 or less AI 'active'.
- When AI does spawn in, but don't react to you, chances are you are in Explore mode and not Play mode. AI won't notice you in Explore.
- Teleporting scripts only work when you pick a teleport spawn point target for both players.
- Only one script can execute at a time, other script executions will be queued after previous ones. So if you have a script active that has a long Delay action in it, you'll have to wait until that script completes its runtime completely before the other scripts will kick in.
If you're having problems getting an older Far Cry game to start:
- Game won't start? Check your Windows Event Viewer's Application log. If you have an Nvidia card and the game crashed while accessing "C:\Windows\System32\nvapi64.dll", try renaming that file (temporarily) to something else. That could allow the game to run. Just make sure you rename the file back when you are done playing.
- "Unknown File Readfile()"-error? Try this:
- Renaming your Windows User's %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry X\GamerProfile.xml file to reset the game's graphics settings.
- If that doesn't work, the Readfile() error may be caused by your Documents folder being inaccessible, likely due to antivirus or cloud backup solutions like MS OneDrive (as mentioned here and here). You may want to exclude the folder from said apps.
If your "Documents" folder is part of a "OneDrive PC Folder backup", then instead of e.g. C:\Users\username\Documents, the folder is in C:\Users\username\Onedrive\Documents. That's known to cause issues with Far Cry games.
Some things to try:
- Exclude the %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry X folder from OneDrive sync, in case the issue is caused by OneDrive locking the file for online synching.
- If that doesn't work, disable OneDrive.
- If that doesn't work, I'm afraid you'll have to move the Documents folder to a more standard location. If you don't want to do that on your profile, you can probably create a new local useraccount on the PC that has its own proper Documents folder location, unaffected by Onedrive. See https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/configuration-of-the-my-documents-folder-dfd9a90d-8f80-18d6-e7cc-f1566fc3b10b
- Alternatively, try toggling Ubisoft Connect from Online to Offline, and back to Online again.
- Far Cry 3 bad performance? Check the %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 3\GamerProfile.xml file, and make sure that D3D11MultithreadedRendering="1", OR switch the game to use DirectX9 instead of 11. Found on Reddit.
- Far Cry 4 on Steam not starting? Apply the Far Cry 4 Steam Regfix every time after you've run the editor. Download .reg file here.
- Far Cry 4 Map Editor is in Swedish language? Edit %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry 4\{YOUR_UPLAY_ACCOUNT_HASH}\EditorGamerProfile.xml, and set the Language entries to "english".
- If your PC's CPU has more than 4 CPU cores/Logical Units, try disabling some of them. Settings to accomplish this vary per processor, but may include: disabling Hyperthreading (Intel), putting the processor in Legacy Game Mode (AMD / Ryzen: Ryzen Master).
Also, the free edition of Process Lasso will allow you to set CPU core affinity per process, which may help get older Far Cry games to run. In Process Lasso, go to Options -> CPU -> CPU Affinities. There, set Process match=Far*Cry*, and set Affinity bitmask to either F, or 55. Click OK and then Add Rule. This should ensure that the game will have its CPU affinity changed while you have Process Lasso running.
- To tweak the game's graphical/performance settings further, you can edit the GamerProfile.xml file. Some settings that may have an effect on the game can be found here. After editing, you may need to make the file read-only.
- You can get an Error: Maine-118 when trying to open Far Cry Arcade. If that happens, the FarCry5.exe is unable to reach the Far Cry 5 services. I'm not sure which servers are used, but check to see if https://public-ubiservices.ubi.com/ is working.
- Far Cry Mod Installer not starting? Install Microsoft .NET 5.0 Runtime.
- Messed up graphics after upgrading (NVidia) GPU? Try deleting your old GPU's cache files at %AppData%\..\Local\NVIDIA\DXCache
- Control remapping not working? The game saves modified controls in the %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Far Cry X\hidinputremapper.xml file. Make sure the game can write to that file. If it did, making the file read-only might help keep the settings intact.
I maintain this page in my spare time.
My research and development process takes some time, and if you feel like helping me keep awake at night, you can get me a coffee. :) 
Feel free to send me a PM on Facebook, Reddit, NexusMods or Discord.
DISCLAIMER: This site and my projects are not supported nor endorsed by Ubisoft. Projects are provided 'AS-IS' and are subject to change.